Hopes and Concerns: Class of 2014

During orientation we asked our incoming Rindge students of the class of 2014 to tell us their hopes and concerns for the school year.  We’ll list their (unedited) answers below.  This group of first-years seems to be a practical and often irreverent bunch.  Future careers, grades, and fitting in socially seem to be the big themes here.  There are many touching and very individual responses below as well, and they are all worth a read.  Comments are welcome.

Welcome to the FP community, every student in 2014! We know that you’ll do us proud.


3.0 gpa

4.0 GPA

A fun night

A good hockey season.

Be successful in softball and academics

Become a successful author because of my experiences here!

Better food

Do good

Do good

Do good in class

Do good in school

Do good in school

Do well in my classes

Do well in school

Don’t fail

Excel in school

Get a 3.0 in my classes

Get a 4.0 so I can continue coming here.

Get a good core group of friends

Get A’s

Get all a’s

Get all good grades, and don’t loose track in my studys

Get good grades

Get good grades

Get good grades

Get good grades

Get good grades

Get good grades

Get no lower than a C.

Get no lower then a C

Get sleep tonight.

Get straight A’s

Get straight A’s + B’s

Good first year

Good good

Good grades

Good grades

Good grades meeting a lot of new friends

Good new habits


Graduate and get as much as I can out of the experience


Have fun and enjoy college

Have fun and succeed.

Hope I don’t miss class because of alchol

Hope I do good in school

Hope I do good.

Hope I do well

Hope I do well

Hope I like my classes

Hope I make it alive this smester

Hope survive the year

Hope to do good

Hope to do well in classes

Hope to get nothing below C’s

Hope to graduate

Hope to graduate

Hope to have fun and make new friends

Hope to have lots of new friends

Hope to like and do good in school

Hope to make a career and some money

Hope to make many new friends

Hope to not have people treat this like high school and accept people

Hope to pass all my classes

Hope to sleep

Hope to stay all year

Hope to succeed

Hope to succeed in classes

I can get above a B average

I can get into glassblowing classes next semester.

I do good in classes

I do well in class and have fun

I do well in classes

I do well in school and have a great time

I don’t fail out!

I get a 3.0 GPA

I get involved.

I graduate with high grades, recommendations and great experiences

I hope classes are fun

I hope for a good hockey season

I hope get sleep tonight

I hope I am able to keep up with the work load.

I hope I can do as much as I can here at Pierce

I hope I can get good grades in all my classes

I hope I can get into glassblowing classes next semester

I hope I can get moved to sophomore dorms

I hope I can get very involved in gov. sports, and art at FPU

I hope I can go and get extra help

I hope I can manage my schedule easy

I hope I could have some lunch

I hope I could have some lunch.

I hope I could meet everybody in campus

I hope I do good here, and enjoy my time here

I hope I do good in school

I hope I do well

I hope I do well and have a good time

I hope I do well in everything I do, academically + athletically

I hope I do well in school

I hope I don’t fail

I hope I enjoy my year

I hope I enjoy my year.

I hope I exceed in whatever I put my mind to

I hope I find a job sooon

I hope I find all my classes

I hope I find my classes on Tuesday

I hope I get good grades

I hope I get good grades

I hope I get involved

I hope I get to play basketball

I hope I have a good freshmen year

I hope I have a good time here

I hope I learn stuff

I hope I like my classes

I hope I like my classes.

I hope I like my teachers and classes

I hope I make friends here

I hope I stop miss my friends

I hope I succeed

I hope I succeed

I hope I succeed in academics and setting involved at the university

I hope I will be able to keep my grades up

I hope I will be able to manage my school work load as well as other activities

I hope I will be able to manage my school workload as well as other activities.

I hope I will succeed & it has already been significant to be being the first to go to college as well as being a 1st generation American

I hope I’ll get a fulfilling and good-paying job here

I hope io will get good grades

I hope its warm tomorrow

I hope my finger heals soon.

I hope my GPA is great

I hope my grades don’t suck

I hope my grades don’t suck

I hope people will get to know me and not judge me, like in highschool

I hope that everything at FPU is what I’ve thought it to be

I hope that everything at FPU is what I’ve thought it to be.

I hope that I am able to pass my classes

I hope that I can achieve success in and out of class

I hope that I can explore in a lot of different classes

I hope that I get along with everyone

I hope that I meet a lot of people and make a lot of friends, Also to do very well in my classes

I hope that I meet a ton of people

I hope that I meet a ton of people.

I hope that I pass all my classes with an A or B.

I hope that I will be able to keep up with classes

I hope that I will succeed in all my goals

I hope that my school work isn’t to overwhelming.

I hope that people will get to know me and not judge, like in high school.

I hope that school isn’t that bad

I hope that the school work isn’t to overwhelming

I hope the classroom environment is small/comfortable

I hope the parties are good and I don’t get kicked out too early.

I hope the school year will be great and fly by

I hope the school year will be great and fly by.

I hope this is over soon

I hope this is over soon.

I hope this year is fun and exciting

I hope to achieve Just A’s and B’s this semester

I hope to achieve valadicktorien

I hope to be just as successful in college as in high school

I hope to be prepared for the future

I hope to be rich

I hope to be successful

I hope to do good academically & make a lot of good friends

I hope to do good in school this semester

I hope to do well

I hope to do well & succeed in everything

I hope to do well academically & be proud of my education

I hope to do well.

I hope to excel in my field and have fun

I hope to excell

I hope to find my nitch with what I’m interested in with all good friends, professors, and memories.

I hope to find my nitch with what I’m interested in with all good friends, professors, and memories

I hope to find my schedule

I hope to get a degree and have a career after college

I hope to get a new start after high school

I hope to get good grades

I hope to get good grades

I hope to get good grades

I hope to get good grades

I hope to get into parties.

I hope to get my computer to work

I hope to get my GPA up & make friends @ the same time

I hope to graduate

I hope to graduate from FPU

I hope to graduate with good grades

I hope to have a good experience at F.P.U

I hope to have a good freshman year

I hope to have a good time

i hope to have a good time here.

I hope to have fun & succeed

I hope to have good professors

I hope to have good teachers

I hope to maintain a 3.0 GPA

I hope to maintain a 4.0 GPA

I hope to maintain a B average or higher

I hope to maintain a B average or higher.

I hope to maintain good grades

I hope to make a bunch of new friends

I hope to make a couple good friends

I hope to make a lot of friends this year

I hope to make a lot of good friends

I hope to make good friends here

I hope to make it through the year

I hope to make new friends

I hope to make the lacrosse team

I hope to make the V. baseball team

I hope to not fail any classes

I hope to not fail any classes.

I hope to pass all my classes

I hope to play baseball

I hope to spend most or all of my parents money.

I hope to stay out of trouble

I hope to succeed in academics at FPU

I hope to succeed in academics at FPU.

I hope to succeed well in academics along with Athletics

I hope we don’t have to do this next year

I hope we don’t have to do this next year.

I keep in touch with old friends as well as make new ones

I remember what happened last night.

I succeed

I wanna maintain above a 3.0 grade average

I want a lot of money

I want to get at least a 3.0

I’ll get a fulfilling and good paying job here. [If $7.25 is good you’re in luck!]

Join the EMT service

Join the EMT service.

Keep grades up

Keep grades up

Keep grades up to keep scholarship

Keep up good grades

Keep up w/ my grades

Maintain a 2.7 GPA

Maintain a 3.0 average

Maintain a 3.0 average.

Maintain at least a 3.2

Maintain grades (3.5)

Make friends

Make friends

Make friends

Make friends

Make good friends.

Make lots of friends & have fun

Make new friends

Meet great new people

Meet great new people

Meeting different people w/ other views

Meeting different people with other views

More time to relax

More vegetarian options in the dining hall

My classes go smoothly

My one Hope (Deans List)

New friends/ good grades

Not failing

Not to die @ rugby tryouts.

Not to fail

Not to slack in class

Pass all my classes

Pass classes

Play ball

Play ball

Prove mom I can still do as good in college as I did in High School

Start on the basketball team

Starter on the ball team

Starter on the b-ball team.

Succeed in school

Successful in all areas of school

Suceed in classes, also make friends and be social

That I acclimate well

That I am able to succeed to my full potential

That I do well here and make a lot of friends

That I like it here

That I like it here.

That I make freinds

That I obtain a 3.5 GPA and I get infront of the TV and radio

That its what I hoped it would be

There will be more dances than just Sept. 3

To achieve at least a B average

To achieve good grades

To be able to balance Athletics and Academics

To be able to balance both work and school without my gpa dropping

To be able to do everything I want

To be able to get my xbox registered

To be able to pass all my classes

To be known in FPU forever

To be rich.

To become an aspiring fantasy novelist one day

To become comfortable meeting people

To become comfortable meeting people

To do good and get through college with good grades

To do good in class

To do good in school

To do well

To do well

To do well academically

To do well academically.

To do well and succeed in everything I do in college.

To do well in class and have fun.

To do well in my classes

To do well in my classes

To do well in school

To do well in school and basketball

To do well.

To excel

To Get (A’s) in all classes + to be on top of all my responsibilities

To get a 4.0 so I can continue coming here

To get F***ed up

To get good grades

To get good grades

To get good grades

To get good grades

To get good grades

To get good grades

To get good grades.

To get in trouble

TO get involved more than I was in high school

To get involved with as many extra activities as possible

To get out of here with a degree

To graduate

To graduate + make great friends

To graduate from FPU

To graduate in 2 ½ years because I’m a transfer & have been in college for 3 years

To graduate w/ bachelors degree

To have a good time w/o compromising my values

To have a good year

To have fun

To have fun

To have fun

To have fun

To have fun.

To have lots of new friends.

To join a club, & find out exactly what my calling is

To know what I want to do for a career after my time in FPU

To learn as much as possible in my classes pyscgh

To maintain a “3.0” average

To make deans list

To make deans list

To make it on a sports team

To make it through my first year at school and lacrosse

To make it through my first year of school and lacrosse

To make it through the year

To make many friends

To make the Deans List

To meet a great group of close friends thatll be there forever

To meet new people

To not die @ rugby tryouts

To pass all my classes

To pass my classes

To play baseball

To play baseball

To receive better grades than I did in high school

To remain in honors program

To show that I can make something outta my self since I’m from the Projects

To stay out of trouble.

To succeed in all of my classes

To survive the cold and have a good time.

To win the league in lacrosse

Understand my class material

Understand my class material

Wondering if this girl next to me is weird

World peace


4 real how much homework am I going to have?

A lot of parting here, I don’t like hearing about it

About english class.

About my grades

About my schedule.

About theft

About time

About work load

Adjusting to living independent

Are “Tr” on schedules Tuesdays AND Thursday?

Are all professors nice?

Are all the house around theLakesDorms

Are classes hard?

Are classes hard? ( a lot of work)

Are classes very hard?

Are my classes going to be hard and will room mates and I get along all year?

Are the classes easy?

Are the classes hard to find?

Are there any mission trips?

Are there job opportunties the bubble for freshmen?

Are upper classmen nice?

Are we allowed to leave the dorms at night?

Are you aloud to go home during breaks if you play sports?

Balancing softball with academics

Balancing sports and school

Balancing sports, school, and personal life


Being away from my fam for long periods of time

Being on a bad time schedule w/roommate

Being on a bad time schedule with roommate

Being prepaired for all classes

Best way to budget?


Can I drop a class?

Can I get a job that coincides with a class?

Can we get a single room next year?

Can you take most classes?

Can’t afford it

Change a class?

Classes to hard

Con. To not got in trouble

Concern not understanding the shuttle schedule?

Concern will be being away from home

Concerned about classes/friends

Concerned about getting a decent work study

Concerned about getting a good job after school

Concerned about managing time

Concerned about meeting people

Concerned about my schedual being to hard with times

Concerned about normal crap

Concerned about not taking the classes I want

Concerned about tuition’ when will you get enough gov alimony for a free ride to accommodate title 1 students?

Concerned I may sleep through class

Concerned I wont try hard enough

Concerned it wont be and ill be too scared

Concerned managing sports and school

Concerned that I might not do well.

Concerned that I will not like it here & quit

Concerned that my grades wont reflect how much time and effort I’m putting into my classes

Concerned that sports & school work will be too much

Concerned w/balancing school & extra curricular activities

Concerned/nervous about living on campus

Dealing with weather

Do a lot of people bring their laptops to class?

Do biology students get a boat load of work?

Do I have a good change of changing my class tomorrow?

Do long distance relationships work?

Do not wanna get kicked out or screwed over

Do professors help when a student has learning disability

Do you assist in finding jobs or grad schools

Do you have a relay for life team? If not how do I start one?

Do you have a relay for life team? If not how do I start one?

Do you think I can graduate

Does this school have a daycare?



Falling down the stairs

Financial problems

Financial problems

Finding classes

Finding service with AT & T

Fiscal situation

Fresmne 15 L

Gain the freshman 15

Getting bad grades

Getting enough sleep and grades?

Getting everything ready for classes

Getting fat

Getting fat.

Getting good grades-not

Getting in trouble

Getting lost.

Getting my xbox registred

Getting to class

Getting to class on time

Getting to class.

Getting to sleep

Getting to sleep

Good grades

GPA wont be high enough




Have enough snacks

Have enough snacks

Having good food in the caf.

Having to change my schedule

Having to change my schedule.

Having to large of a courseload


Health % time management

Hooking up internet/TV

How are classes, homework (easy? Hard?)

How are the professors here?

How are the professors here?

How are the professors?

How are the professors?

How are there not cameras by the fire alarms?

How available is help in academic services for managing one’s course load?

How big is the classes

How can I get help on papers?

How can I get tobostonon weekends?

How can I keep myself out of trouble?

How cold does the lake get?

How do I become security?

How do I change majors?

How do I find a work study job?

How Do I get all a’s?

How do I get all A’s?

How do I get internet w/o my email address

How do I get my class schedule

How do I join a club

How do you get a password for email if you lost yours

How do you get involved in clubs & intermurals sports are we informed or do we take it upon ourselves?

How easy is it to get to closest town/city?

How hard is it to get help if you have an Athletic conflict

How I will fit in

How I’m gonna do in school.

How Im going to keep 3.0

How long does it take to get used to the scheduling?

How long does the peer group go for

How long in the year does my peer leader group meet for?

How long is winter break

How long till I get settled in

How long will it take to find a “group” of friends

How long will it take to get used to finding everything?

How long will it take to switch a class?

How many people go to this school?

How many ppl can we have in our dorms

How many times can you cut class before you are failed

How many tutors are you allowed to have

How much harder is the work than high school

How much help can I have?

How much homework do we really get?

How much snow do we get

How often are there trips to places likeBoston, NYC, &Concord?

How people will react to the real me.

How should we feel about parties?

How stressful are finals (on average)?

How successful is the softball team

How the teachers are?

How to balance classes + baseball

How to be successful in class

How to get around quickly between classes

How will I find time to do everything I want to do?

How will I find time to do everything I want to do?

How will I keep my grades up

I am concern about how school will go

I am concerned about annoying my roommates

I am concerned about annoying my roommates.

I am concerned about balancing school and a social life.

I am concerned about finding my classes and doing well

I am concerned about money management

I am concerned about my lost remote control.

I am concerned about my peer leader that is very stressed out

I am concerned about the classes

I am concerned about the lack of space in the dorm rooms

I am concerned about theft

I am concerned I might get overwhelmed

I am concerned I will do bad in my classes what will happen if I am late to class?

I am concerned that I might procrastinate

I am concerned that I might procrastinate.

I am concerned that I will find things hard to cope with when I am missing home

I am concerned that I will not be able to keep up with everything

I am concerned that I will not be in the career I truly want

I am concerned that I will not be in the career I truly want.

I am concerned that I will not find my classes

I am concerned that I will struggle with math

I am concerned that I won’t be able to do all that I want.

I am concerned that I won’t have enough money to pay off my time here and help out my mom

I am concerned that my teachers will be mean.

I am concerned with time management

i am homesick

I am worried about multi-tasking  school, sports, and fun

I am worried that my classes will be overwhelming

I can’t manage my time

I concerned about english class

I don’t get along with roommates

I don’t loose focus

I don’t loss focus

I have a question…what do you want most for the students?

I have no idea where my classes are

I hope I don’t get over whelmed.

I hope I don’t sleep to late

I hope I stop miss my friends

I hope my slow reading doesn’t effect me

I m concerned this school costs too much

I make the soccer team

I may sleep through class.

I might die.

I might not understand my class material

I might not understand my class material.

I need advise about getting books

I need help with paper writing, mosty spelling b/c of my disability

I really want to change a class on my schedule

I suck at writing essays

I will miss a lot of classes

I will never feel at home here

I will not be able to keep organized

I wish my computer will continue to work all year?

I won’t be rich.

I won’t find good friends.

I won’t try hard enough.

I wonder how long it takes most to make lasting friends?

I wont like school

I worry that I am to different

I’ll be too busy to enjoy my time here

I’ll be too busy to enjoy my time here.

I’ll party too much

I’m concerned about being able to have both a social life and solid up-to-par GPA

I’m concerned about getting all my classes in for my double-major

I’m concerned about getting lost

I’m concerned about getting to all of my classes on time

I’m concerned about how the food is here

I’m concerned about making the team

I’m concerned about managing time.

I’m concerned about my peer leader that is very stressed out.

I’m concerned about my schduale

I’m concerned about NH/MW fire alarms this winter

I’m concerned about paying for my education and not being able to handle it

I’m concerned about Rindge Police

I’m concerned about the challenge of business in society class…I’ve never taken a business class before

I’m concerned about the police

I’m concerned bout work overload

I’m concerned I cant manage my time

I’m concerned I will be overwhelmed

I’m concerned I won’t get into the glassblowing programs soon enough L

I’m concerned I won’t wake up for class

I’m concerned I wont find good friends

I’m concerned I wont wake up for class

I’m concerned that I won’t be able to get to the convience store?

I’m concerned that I won’t be able to maintain the GPA I want

I’m concerned that I wont have enough time for everything

I’m concerned that I’ll get homesick

I’m concerned that I’ll have to do this again

I’m concerned that I’m not always going to go to my classes

I’m concerned that my grades will be composed of only tests, being a poor test taker makes me nervous.

I’m concerned that my high school education was not up to par

I’m conncered that the classes will be hard

I’m fearful that I won’t be as organized as I should be.

I’m fearful that I wont be as organized as I should be


If I will be able to work and be able to participate in school events as well

If tennis will interfere with schoolwork

If you don’t have a lap top are you endangered of failing a class

Ill be overwhelmed

Im concerned about all the hills on campus

Im concerned about balancing sports and acedemics

Im concerned about how im gonna do in school

Im concerned about how people will react to the real me

Im concerned about learning to deal with the management

Im concerned about my writing

Im concerned about over sleeping

Im concerned about stuff

Im concerned I won’t do well in my classes

Im concerned I wont be rich

Im concerned I’ll do bad in classes

Im concerned ill overwhelm myself

Im concerned this school may part 2 much

Im concerned to start essays

Im not going to do well in school

In concerned about making bad habbits

Is classes challenging

Is it easy to transfer

Is it hard to find a job as a freshman

Is my planner the best quality?

Is there a lot of homework

Is there a lot of homework

Is there a lot of peer group meetings

Is there a lot to do here?

Is there a work out group?

Is there tutor sessions

Is this going to be fun, because it doesn’t feel like college

Is waking up hard at 8 am

Is work study a good thing to look into?

It won’t be fun

It won’t be fun

It won’t be fun.

It won’t be fun.

Iternet isn’t that good. It’s gonna be harder for me to study in my room

Its hard to meet new people when were always doing these activities


Learning stuff?

Losing track of myself

Maintain grades

Maintain grades

Maintaining relationships off campus.

Make sure I can get all my work done

Make sure I can get all my work done.

Making a set of really good friends

Making enough friends

Making friends

Making friends

Making new friends

Making the team

Making the team and playing

Managing time to do work & such

Managing time well

Me + my roommates have nothing in common + keep to ourselves

Me and my roommates have nothing in common and keep to ourselves.

Meeting people

Meeting people

Missing home


My boat won’t float.

My boat wont float

My concern is being organized

My concern is making new friends

My concern is that I will have to swim because my boat didn’t float and Alex made me be the simmer.

My concern is that I will have to swim because my boat didn’t float

My concern is that I’m not going to like it here

My concern is waking up early for rowing then getting to class on time

My fear of being away form home doesn’t go away

My grades

My grades

My one question is: when can we build boats?

My roommate will never stop snoring

Nervous about being the only one from my high school

Nervous about being the only one from my high school.

No freshman fifteen

No shops/café’s

No shower pressures

No wifi in my dorm


Not being able to afford going to school here

Not being able to change my area of study/major

Not being able to get a job-con

Not being able to keep up with all the work

Not being homesick

Not being noticed

Not being noticed

Not doing as well as I could in my classes

Not doing well in class

Not enough free time so far.

Not enough money

Not enough time so far

Not fitting in with my peers! J

Not get fat

Not get in to too much trouble

Not get in trouble

Not getting good grades

Not graduating

Not having fun

Not knowing how much books will cost

Not staying organized & being forgetful

Not taking classes I want.

Not to fail classes

Not waking up on time


One concern is my classes

Overload of homework


Partying might be hard if I live in granite

Passing math

People seem weird

Playing time

Playing time

Playing time on the team

Register car

Rindge Police.

Running out of money



Sleep management


Study kills

Successful in keeping a good work schedule


That being blunt is misperceived

That I don’t be able to sustain steady work ethics the hole year

That I don’t do well

That I don’t do well.

That I will not use my time wizley

That I won’t have enough money to pay off my time here and help out my mom.

That I won’t have time to finish all my hw when I work every weekend @ home

That I wont be able to handle all the work + that I don’t pass.

That I’ll let myself down

That I’ll sleep past my alarm

That I’ll sleep past my alarm

That I’m not always going to go to my classes.

That I’m too different

That ill get distracted easily.

That my grades won’t reflect how much time and affort I’m putting into my classes.

That my hope isn’t realistic

That my hopes wont happen

That my routine falls into place quickly so I don’t need so much time to feel at home.

That my transfer cridets havnt got recived yet

That the past will follow me

That the work at school is going to be hard

That the work will stress me out

That there will be a lot of “homework”

That there will be a lot of “homework”

The cold weather

The first day for freshman should be more for them to do what they want, wonder around and meet friends their way

The possibility of failing

The winter

The winter.

The work load

The work might be overwhelming or I get home sick.

The work might be overwhelming or I get homesick

The workload

There will be nothing to do for fun

This school is so expensive

This school may party 2 much.

Time management

Time management

Time management

Time to do stuff on campus

To get the amount of money needed to pay for college

To loose focus on whats important. Also not being able to fit in

Too much partying going on on campus-distraction

Too much work/overwhelming

Transition from highschool work to college work

Trying to fit in

Tutoring help

Tutoring help.

What are college classes like?

What are the classes like?

What are the peer groups for?

What buildings are my classes?

What can you do when you fail a class

What classes are the hardest

What do we do if our schedule isn’t complete

What does TR mean on classes

What else is there to do on weekends

What happened to that kids sleeves?

What happens if I don’t have books the first day?

What happens if I sleep in by accident and miss a class?

What if I don’t get all A’s?

What if my prof. arnt nice and understanding?

What is the average amount of homework a week?

What is the average lunch

What is the one class/teacher to avoid?

What is the true FPU experience?

What is their to do?

What is there to do on weekends.

What musicals are we doing?

What time does the café open?

What was your reaction when first moving in as a freshman?

What would be the best major?

Whats the best event on campus?

Whats the best job to have?

Whats the best place to study?

Whats the consequences for getting written up

Whats the work load like in general

Whats the work load like in general

When are teachers available for extra time

When can I add/drop classes

When can I go eat?

When can you move off campus

When do classes start

When do I get my free time, and why do we have to do these activities?

When do intramural sports start

When do Ravens dance team tryouts occur?

When do we get grades

When do we sign up for semester 2 courses

When do you have to declare your major?

When does intramural basketball start?

When does it get fun?

When is lunch

When is out first break?

When is there going to be wireless internet in the dorms

When is/how open available is the student ctr (study hall)

When will be able to start intermurals?

When will I meet my professors?

When will money be on my Raven card so I can get my books?

When will the lectures end

When will we be able to do what we want?

Whens break?

Whens the last day of exams

Where are my classes

Where are my classes?

Where are my classes?

Where are the best places to work on campus?

Where can I get a job

Where can I get an email

Where can I get my schedule

Where can I go to get a copy of my schedule

Where did everyone go last night?

Where do I go for my classes

Where do we go for help finding an internship?

Where do we go to shop around here?

Where is IT services?

Where is the health office?

Where to buy books

Where’s the kitchen for Granite Hill?

Wheres a quiet place

Wheres my classes

Wheres the It department and when can I go

Who do I go to see to change classes?

Who do we consult if we want to transfer at the end of the year?

Who is available for help?

Who is god?

Why am I weird?

Why cant we have this Monday off?

Why did we do peer groups?

Why do I feel like a child still?

Why do I have to go to biology so many times a week?

Why do the good girls have to be a Catholic

Why does dinner have to end so early

Why doesn’t the bookstore post the ISBN online for the books?

Why don’t freshmen dorms have wireless internet?!?!

Why don’t the freshman dorms have AC?

Why don’t we have more free time our first couple days?

Why don’t we have wireless

Why is the food bad?

Why is the food so much better during summer orientation

Why the cable suck

Wifi in dorms?

Will “latex dreams” win the boat race today

Will I be behind in my classes if it takes me all week to switch them around?

Will I find the right career?

Will I find the right major?

Will I get a lot of sleep

Will I pass english class?

Will I pass science class?

Will I survive classes?

Will it be fun?

Will professors help you if you need it

Will we get to see where our classes are ahead of time?

Won’t like classes


Worried about not going to class

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